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What toys should I use for my bunny?

This is lurch aka (creature) I’ve just recently got him and he’s not a fan of toys at all!! Any kind of store bought toys he will not play with . He will only play with his stacking cups occasionally and a cardboard sometimes but he’s picky on what kind…. He’s still just a baby estimated at about 8 months or so . I’d also like to know what kind of mix he is if anyone can tell he’s starting to get some long fuzzies around his head and a little by his butt. Would also like to know if some good brushes his hair is so fine none of the brushes I have work. Thank you !

by Motherofmerci


  1. _Step5793

    Did u try the hairbuster brush?

    My bunnies favourite toys are a wooden log with holes in it that I bought and also a hay ball.

    They also have a cardboard box they can hide in that has an entrance and the flaps stick out too so they can chew on them

  2. Moist_Account4274

    chewable natural toys. not the fake stuff from the pet store filled with sugar or the toys made from plastic. no etsy, they have amazing bunny shops where they make foraging mixes, chews, etc. my two bunnies are absolutely OBSESSED w palm leaf bowls. they will tear it up instantly and very happily. here’s a link

    other recommendations for great toys:

  3. Unhappy_Addition_767

    I think you accidentally wrote no Etsy instead of on Etsy and then proceeded to list a bunch of Etsy links and I was like huh? 😂

  4. stretchyRex157

    Mine is picky about her toys as well, but she LOVES her seagrass toys! There’s one at PetSmart that’s a little mat that hangs up in her playpen that she loves to chew up, and there was also an Etsy seller that made a giant seagrass carrot that she also adores. Also the little seagrass hut I got her was a huge hit.

  5. I have picky buns too. Their main activity is digging up blankets.

    They like finding treats in toilet rolls, but I have to supervise or they eat the toilet rolls.
    [Some toilet roll games for bunnies](

    They love this seagrass tunnel. I put hay in it and they also chew it.

    They like water hyacinth mats. I sprinkle herb and flower forage on the mat and they dig and chew at it.
    [water hyacinth mat](

    They go through phases of enjoying wicker balls and other wicker chew toys[wicker ball](

    They enjoy this toilet roll game too. Put a load of rolls in a box and fill them with treats or food.
    [Toilet roll game ](

  6. Tenebrous_Savant

    The cast-off souls of lawyers and politicians make great bunny chew toys.

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