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Müther! Müther! I found out what the PS5 cable tastes like! It tastes bad! It also kinda- Ouh wow scarf!

Müther! Müther! I found out what the PS5 cable tastes like! It tastes bad! It also kinda- Ouh wow scarf!

by deltadelta199


  1. deltadelta199

    P. S. Porridge didn’t really eat my PS5 cable, otherwise I would be crying, and not posting on reddit.

  2. Princeoplecs

    Podge would never, that mouf cannot lie and he told me so.

  3. RogueViator




    Podgeroo, he was peckish.

    Tasting things he did but relish.

    Then he saw the spicy hay,

    And he knew it made his day.


    Keeping his decorum he did quite well

    The hay looked scrumptious he could tell.

    Close in he did to do the sniffs,

    On the spicy hay with his own teefs.


    Thankfully nobunny was around to see his face

    And see him recoil at the horrible taste!

    To quickly remove the taste before he barfs

    He decided to sniff an unattended scarf!


    Alas this was a fateful tap,

    For it was a great big trap.

    Müther did send the Pordge to jail,

    Saying she has evidence that will not fail.


    We protest!

    Mayo Pongaroo was entrapped!

    His photo, his Müther snapped.

    He is innocent we all know,

    “FREE THE PONGEY!” we all go.


    This has been a BNN News Update.

  4. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    The coup has started. Persephone is holding strong against Porridge and Bigwig.

    Marshal Law has now been into effect. No Bunny will now be allowed to vote on the Mayoral-ship.

    This is now a dictator. I shall rules with an iron paw. – Cubby.

  5. crossedwords1

    Lol! Porridge makes the best faces! I’m glad he didn’t really eat the PS5 cable!
    Thr night before lockdown in 2020 I had to run out at 10pm and get a cable for my modem because Bunny Thunders managed to get it.

  6. WriterOfManyWorlds

    How dare you accuse the bun of these crimes. Clearly the bun was framed!

  7. SANTAAAA__I_know_him

    “I don’t get why people pay so much for these new consoles, they taste exactly the same as the others…”

  8. It_Must_Be_Bunniess

    My Bucky loves the spicy hay. Except it’s only spicy once. 😔 ….so many chargers….

  9. Okay no one else asked and I’m sure I’m just naive, but what is the ear tattoo for? Was he a rescue or something? Lovely little bun, maybe Xbox cords will taste a bit better. They’re thicker at least

  10. Select_Goose

    Porry is a good and merciful boy for sparing the PS5!

    Our worst spicy hay boy sees cords and runs through them, snapping them instantly in his mouth as he passes like he’s winning a race.

  11. Ok_Echidna_2283

    I agree Porridge PS5 cables taste bad. You gotta try XBox 360’s cable. 😋

  12. Flimsy-Canary-7651

    He learned his lesson: Don’t mess with the hoomin’s video game!

  13. Acceptable-World-175

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 the title is hilarious.

  14. RevolutionaryWrap295

    But it’s emails!!! Lock it up …lock it up 😂😂😂😂

  15. FrankenSarah

    Clearly, the most innocent bun in that first pic!!

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