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Buns and kitty becoming friends!

I’ve had this cat for nearly 4 years and so I can read him really well as a forwarning haha. He’s been really sweet and curious of the buns so far. My best tell sign that he’s not out to hunt is he tried grooming Willow last night! She wasn’t a fan but it’s the thought that counts 😂 He wants to be friends but I’m guessing he’s confused about these weird small cats

by Next-Rock-4076

1 Comment

  1. vampireondrugs

    Awh! They’re all super cute, congrats on the lil fam!

    I recently got a puppy to join my bun. A strong boundary has been pup can absolutely not enter their space, not even stick his head inside the pen (it’s always open, so bun free roams but has a “base”). I think it helps bun knowing he’s got a safe space to run back to, but I can appreciate that might be too difficult to do with a cat! They’ve become buddies but pup *knows* who’s in charge lol 😂

    Your cat seems super chill and calm 😊😊

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