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My stepdad got pet bunnies for my little brother and I think the toes on one of them are infected.

My stepdad got pet bunnies for my little brother and I think the toes on one of them are infected.

by avasart


  1. Those are his toes. Has anyone seen anything like this before? Do you know what could be the cause of this and how we can treat it? Is it possible to treat this at home or is it necessary to take it to the vet at this point?

  2. NothingInVain518

    I’ve never seen this before but I would say going to the vet is the best idea

    Could be a cyst
    Could be an infection
    It’s hard to tell from this photo

  3. Please take your bunny to a vet. It’s hard to know what that is, but it really should be checked out by a professional.

  4. Professional-Bowl413

    take the bun to the vet whatever it is it looks really bad

  5. hugegayballs

    Immediately vet. Looks like a terrible infection. If he’s a caged rabbit, it’s probably caused by having to stew in his own piss all day. If not, I don’t know what to tell ya. All I can say is rabbits are not cage animals.

  6. orbitalaction

    It looks like he broke off an elongated nail and it scabbed over. Definitely should visit the doctor for some medication and probably nail trims, all around.

  7. _flying_otter_

    There is something going on but I don’t think its infected. If it was infected the *light pink* skin in the photo wild be hot red. But what ever it is it looks like its been bleeding recently so you need to go to a vet.

    Check for any sores or lesions on his body especially around the genitals, eyes, and nose. Because that could be rabbit syphilis (not contagious to humans and is treatable).

  8. It might be bad, it might also look worse than it is. I used to have a hamster that had these types of growths occasionally, something that looked like these things as well, but on her lip. I have no idea if it is remotely similar to what my hamster had, but in her case it was not dangerous at all, it just looked very scary. Definitely take your bun to the vet to be sure though!

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