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My rabbit loves playing this game. I hid pellets under the blocks, the ones I used when I was a kid.

My rabbit loves playing this game. I hid pellets under the blocks, the ones I used when I was a kid.

My rabbit loves playing this game. I hid pellets under the blocks, the ones I used when I was a kid.
by u/new_person_weather in Rabbits

by new_person_weather


  1. SpoopsandBoops

    Great enrichment idea! I could watch them play like this for hours 🥰

  2. Acceptable-World-175

    Aww, this is so enriching for them! Hide and seek with snacks. 😄🐇

  3. Empire_inXS

    Do you know what breed they are? I have a rescue that looks very similar.

  4. Karena1331

    Nice we have these bigger blocks too and I never thought of letting bunnies play with them. Thanks!

  5. craftwagon

    What a great idea! I have a cardboard box full of old packing paper that I toss pellets into and let him forage for. Our buns are twins btw! 🖤

  6. I got those stackable cups for toddlers and put pellets in those, Daisy loves it.

  7. That’s an awesome idea! I hope you don’t mind if I try it with my bun. Looks like fun and my little man loves exploring and moving things around. So cute!!!

  8. UnredeemedRevenant

    “Silly hooman. I am smarter than u!” 🐰🧐

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