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by BlazeBitch


  1. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Content that they are gonna play at your funeral when you don’t give your bunny some treats

  2. XNjunEar

    So mouf! 😍

    That’s Bunjamin and his plump mouf

  3. After-Bumblebee

    The only sounds you hear are noms and monches

  4. ChutneyRiggins

    “This salad has seconds to live.”

  5. PaulsRedditUsername

    Scenes from the cult classic *The Hare Witch Project.*

  6. _gillyflower

    POV: you are on diet and then the night hunger strikes

  7. TheEurasianPotato

    Looks like something out of Paranormal Activity

  8. Acceptable-World-175

    The Bun Witch project! 😱🐰

  9. TheBigBadBlackKnight

    Last pic is just glorious mouf

  10. PrintAndPlaid

    Waking up in the middle of the night to find *this* sitting on your chest stating at you.

    I swear all bunnies have plans to murder us in our sleep.

  11. Bruiser235

    Night of the Lepus 2: Electric Boogaloo.

  12. ButDidYouCry

    You and I have the same Dutch rabbit.

  13. Typical_Ad_210

    Can someone please explain the third photo to me? I don’t know much about rabbits and to my layman’s eyes it looks like he is eating his own ears, but I am pretty sure that’s not the case..!

  14. Disdwarf

    If lettuce could make a horror movie…

  15. Favorite lettuce to feed your rabbits, go!

  16. justdontbesad

    Reminds me of the Texas Chainsaw movies.

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