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Does anyone know what this bump is?

So my bunny has this hard bump right under his left ear. I was wondering if anyone knew what this is and/or if I should be concerned.

by -_wack_-


  1. HistorianPuzzled1284

    I don’t know but my bunny has those as well.

  2. Fenix00070

    I suggest a vet check up if possible.

    The most likely answer Is some sort of sebum (a kind of fat Rich liquid that Is often found in things like pimple of cysts) accumulati on, but i would still consult a professional just in case.

  3. Grazileseekuh

    One of my rabbits had something like that as well. Hers was in her ear. In her case it was just some sort of pimple she had for the rest of her life.
    But if I were you, I’d get it checked out at a vet, just to be sure

  4. ChampionshipWeary449

    I hope everything is fine but a savvy rabbit vet visit will be good.

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