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What a polite lil guy 🥰

What a polite lil guy 🥰

by bunnny_b0y


  1. Avasaiel

    That second pic looks like he has a fringe like one of those 90’s hairstyles XD

  2. Celestial-Joy

    He’s so cute! I love his eyes 🙂

  3. C-Beck86

    Dude reminds me of Gandalf or Dumbledore lol

  4. Frogs_are_very_cool

    He deserves many of his favorite treats, if they’re good for his health, give lot’s of head pats!

  5. Dependent-Baby-1585


    ***Looking hot 🔥 lil guy! Mwah 💋***

  6. Funhammy

    He looks a lot like my Cane bunny. But a little fluffier, like when cane was still a baby.

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