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does anyone know what bunny breed this is??

does anyone know what bunny breed this is??

by KaylaDoanKitty


  1. Rom-TheVacuousSpider

    *studies bun* Congrats. Your lil fellow/lady is not a murder bun. Yet.

  2. Darth_BUNS

    Looks like a wild rabbit. Where did you get it from?

  3. Hyourin93

    Wanna say Netherland Dwarf, but the fur is kinda sparse and somewhat longer than mine..

  4. thatscoolbeansman

    Sorry, the only dog rabbit breeds I know are smol, bun, super bun, loaf, and lumpy

  5. katmc68

    Cutie! Looks like a Netherland Dwarf, maybe mixed with something. I’m fairly certain it is not a wild bunny.

  6. Significant-City5340

    It looks a lot like a wild bun, but I’m no expert. Where did you acquire this cute? The fur is scruffy. It looks wildISH?

  7. RoddingRabbit

    Kind of looks like the Netherland dwarf x cashmere bunny I had a few years ago

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