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14 years and and still chugging along

Woodrow has an e. cunculi flair up and is refusing to eat, so time to break out the bib while we feed him (don’t worry, we are in communication with his vet and he is on lots of meds, fluids and critical care—it’s not our first rodeo). I thought he looked particularly cute. He will probably pee on me later for revenge.

by darksideoftheday


  1. Jorikoh

    Aww what a cutie. And the bib is genius, I always get critical care all over me

  2. lumicorn

    What a sweetie! Get well soon, Woodrow ❤️

  3. Bunnygem9

    He looks like a toy bunny🥺 so cute. Is the bib a normal baby’s bib? I need to get one for my bun!

  4. Juleniumn

    Did woodrow develop cataracts from the e. cuniculi? I ask because one of my babies contracted it in the womb and is blind in one eye, but it has this weird red color which I’m not sure is normal or not or if it’ll ever go away. The vet said it definitely looks weird but as long as it’s not bothering her we don’t need to take the eye out or anything.

  5. Pretty-Win911

    All the best Woodrow! Hope you feel better soon💕

  6. HarlequinSerf

    You’re his favorite hoomin & happy place combined. And yes, he’ll still pee on you.

  7. ManaSama19

    I pray my bunnies will have a long happy life like yours 🥺🥺😍

  8. tonythatiger_26

    Awe Woodrow is amazing ! He must’ve lived a grand life ! We love you Woodrow !!

  9. ionlyshootfilmbro

    Omg what a cute baby 😭❤️

  10. AgitatedFennel6427

    You are such a great bunny parent

  11. UraniaTenar

    Woodrow is so precious and adorable, my heart just melted away when I saw him. Get well soon, Woodrow! ❤

  12. sofia_c3945

    E cuniculi flare ups are the worst.
    I see my boy’s hips sink into the floor and my stomach drops. It’s the worst and he hates medication. Took me a long time to gain his trust back after restraining him every day to get meds in him. Not excited for the next bout. Best of luck. That bunny is spoiled 💜

  13. BurghFinsFan

    Awww that’s amazing! I had nine wonderful years with my bunny, knowing there’s a 14 year old out there going strong makes me happy.

  14. TeddyDuchamp

    Omg he’s so precious!!! So happy to see a super senior bun!

  15. Inevitable_Raccoon50

    Awww I love him. So cute.. I never thought about using a bib when I have to feed my bun. Great idea.

  16. Medical-Funny-301

    He’s adorable! I love his bib but he definitely looks like he’s gonna pee on you later for revenge 😁.

    I hope he gets better soon- he’s obviously getting the best of care and has a great life with you ❤️. My late female rabbit had a similar situation – very healthy all her life but once she lost her husbun, she started showing symptoms of e. cuniculi.

  17. Tessacraney84

    I know that my question/opinion is going to be downvoted a million times and this whole sub is going to hate me…..But….here it goes:

    How is this little fellas quality of life? Is he still happy and actively enjoying living? Does he have anything in particular that he loves eating/doing…something that he lives for? I am honestly just curious and am not judging or being critical of your choices as a pet parent. He obviously is taken very well care of and loved immensely. Just asking because sometimes it is difficult to draw that distinct line in the sand between preserving life for our sakes or for the sake of the animal. I have been there and that is why I ask. Much love to your handsome man. ❤️

  18. MakaveliTheDon22

    What a sweet old soul, I hope he pulls through. Looks like he has a will of iron. ❤️

  19. hotpearlsnatch

    Please give him so many hugs and kisses and tell him he’s special 😭🖤 good health and happiness to this lil angel, I hope he pulls through ASAP

  20. Tripperthebeagle

    He is so adorable. such a delightful gentleman

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