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Oh, hello, do you know where I would find treats around here?

Oh, hello, do you know where I would find treats around here?

by luna672


  1. [deleted]

    Sweetie, are your human parents not taking care of your every whim? You are adorable–those eyes.

  2. [deleted]

    I and my sweet spoiled buns wish we could give her another bunny up vote 😍 and are quite bummed that we can’t. 😒 I finally have standing photos of my girls which I will post as soon as I can. Does she like raisins? My girls get so crazy excited for raisins that they try to steal them from each other’s mouths. I never knew Buns could have raisins or would even like them until I read about it on a bunny info website. A lot of sugar so can’t give them too often, but their eyes guilt me when I have given all I should give. 🙄

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