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Tips needed

Hi, it’s me again, the owner of mister senior bun bun from a few weeks ago.
Me and my little sister want to rebuild the home for these old fellas and need a little help/advice.
Picture 3 is how it is right now and picture 4 is how I would like it to be.
We’d now like to know if there’s anything important that we should keep in mind or anything else.
It’s important for us that the whole enclosure is only one level since their current home has two and my boy can’t jump the stairs anymore so he’s stuck downstairs and only has half the space. Also we want to have the part with the grass for them to roam freely but be able to close it up safely during the night. Right now, they have the whole backyard to roam but only as long as there’s someone outside with them to watch. I also wanna build “into the ground” and secure down there so they can dig as they desire without us needing to watch they don’t dig outside our yarn and to the neighborhood (which is filled with evil, untrained dogs)
So: any advice is appreciated and much needed. If you need any more information I’m happy to give that.

Thanks in advance :3

by Emarya


  1. Fenix00070

    Dunno how tall you plan the whole thing to be, but keep in mind that a One floor enclosure needs to be tall enough that they can stretch and stand on two legs and low enough on the ground that they can feel like it’s a safe spot to Hide. If you think the new enclosure would be too tall maybe you could build a smaller “Hide spot” with a lower ceiling inside

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