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Only 1 more of the wild buns that live in my yard left. Last week there were 2 & they watched me pick the 3rd up out of the road. Someone hit her & they wouldn’t leave the body. I moved her body so the other 2 wouldn’t get eaten by buzzards. 🥺

Only 1 more of the wild buns that live in my yard left. Last week there were 2 & they watched me pick the 3rd up out of the road. Someone hit her & they wouldn’t leave the body. I moved her body so the other 2 wouldn’t get eaten by buzzards. 🥺

Only 1 more of the wild buns that live in my yard left. Last week there were 2 & they watched me pick the 3rd up out of the road. Someone hit her & they wouldn’t leave the body. I moved her body so the other 2 wouldn’t get eaten by buzzards. 🥺
by u/Particular-Flow8043 in Bunnies

by Particular-Flow8043


  1. Kazaklyzm

    I’m so sorry one of your yard bunnies got hit. Hopefully her accident will act as a safety warning for her friends and her death may save them the same fate. You are a good person for moving her out of the road so the others wouldn’t hang around her. Im sorry you had to experience this.

  2. UnknownTaco

    This is heartbreaking, but good on you. I think one of our yard bunnies had a baby stolen by the neighborhood cat and I’m fuming about it.

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