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Is 4 days too soon to move out together after bonding?

I am currently bonding my 2 buns (see my other posts!) and today was the 3rd day. After only a few hours of being introduced they were grooming one another, lying together etc with no negative behaviours.

Today I had a bit of a panic as Lavender (the female) refused her pellets this morning and wouldn’t eat anything. After taking her outside in the garden a few times and allowing her to have a run around, she started eating and pooping again so I assume she is bored/stressed being in the pen as she isn’t used to it (I also sprayed some pet remedy in there but not sure how much of an effect this has had). I have checked her for injuries so she definitely wasn’t stressed as a result of a fight. They have also been monitored 24/7.

So my question is, would it be okay for me to move them into their forever home tomorrow? I really don’t want to put her through unnecessary stress if they are ready to move out, but I also don’t want to rush anything. The male bun is older and more chilled out so he isn’t really bothered about being in the pen.

As you can see, she isn’t very happy about being in bunny jail!!

by Bunnygem9


  1. KiwiCuddler

    Heavily depends. What’s the longest they’ve been together? Our buns took 3 full weeks of increased bonding time, but some bond almost immediately. I spent the first night on an air mattress with them to be sure no one got hurt

  2. Redschallenge

    I’ve had a rabbit that would stop eating entirely when anti pee spray was used within 20 feet of her house.

  3. EddietheRattlehead

    I don’t have a good answer for you, but I just wanted to say this is the cutest damn bunny picture I’ve ever seen

  4. 1234r5t57

    mine bonded pretty much instantly, but i still monitored them for a week after and didn’t let them be alone together just to make sure

  5. Bunnygem9

    Update: moved them in and unfortunately they started thumping at one another. I’ve reduced the space again and they started lying together almost instantly!! Rabbits are such strange little creatures.

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