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I can’t move until he wakes up

I can’t move until he wakes up

by Jxsmeen


  1. CoralSpringsDHead

    When my bun has flopped, I always stop moving or making noise so he can rest peacefully. I know it is weird but I love him so much, I want him to feel safe.

  2. NightSkulker

    You have become a bunhostage.
    It’s like cathostage but with 100% more acts of rabbitry.

  3. chloejo9192

    It’s been 3 hours. Are you still there?

  4. BaconIsntThatGood

    See… I’m terrible. I’d move **slowly** and when bun bun has a confused look on their face I’d look them in the eye and say “what did you learn?”

    I know they won’t get it. But I know they know they did something and know they know I paid attention to them.

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