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Help identify my girl (read below)

Hi all
I wanted to ask on this group if you guys think my girl bumble is a Holland lop or a mini. I was originally thinking Holland but after seeing pictures of mini lops I’m confused. She’s around 10 months old currently and hasn’t grown since I rescued her (rescued her at 6 months). Last time I weighed her at 6 months she was around 4.4lbs. She hasn’t gotten any longer but she has gained weight a bit which makes her look a bit rounder (working on reducing her weight too). I’m only questioning this since it says Holland lops are around 2-4lbs where as at 6 months old she was 4.4. She is a smallish bunny but I’m still wondering lol. Here are the most recent photos and videos of her. (I have another male bunny he’s a Netherlands dwarf/chinchilla mix and that’s her compared to him- both are also bonded and neutered)

by Zephyr6570


  1. Alexis_moths

    I’m leaning more towards mini lop due to the weight (which you can’t always go by because certain diets can cause obvious weight differences so a Holland lop COULD weigh 4+ pounds) also mini pops tend to have a longer face and the Holland lops are very rounded/short (the length of face goes by the space between their eyes down to their nose).

    Btw I’m not a professional but I’m currently in vet school and did learn about this, hopefully this helps!!

  2. Lazy_Lagomorpha

    Aww she looks just like my baby! 💕 def a mini lop

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