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my poor bun gets so exhausted by the heat so decides to flop with a jagged rock digging in her ribs… 😒 πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

my poor bun gets so exhausted by the heat so decides to flop with a jagged rock digging in her ribs… 😒 πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

by IHart28


  1. You should try getting a sample tile from Home Depot and putting it in the fridge over night. Then during the day you can put it in their enclosure and they can lay on the cold tile. That usually helps my bun escape the heat.

  2. suedeslippers

    But… but why bunny, why?!

    In our house we call this “bunny logic”

  3. buuismyspiritanimal

    They really shouldn’t be kept outdoors.

  4. Billybobmcob

    She just wants to give herself a deep massage, and pointy rock does the trick

  5. Ok_Echidna_2283

    If you see her overheating and other things aren’t working. If she’ll let you touch her ears you can mist them with cool water. ☺️

  6. Tripperthebeagle

    Does she stay outside all the time?

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