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Baby Bun Update !!

So as an update, the babys Birthday is March 29th so shes barley even 3 weeks !!! I was lied about her age again to the point I had to ask my uncle their birthdate. The one my grandmother has is perfectly healthy and hopping around in the back. My baby Bun just moved in with me after a stay at my grandmas ! BUT OMG guys My grandma fed her meat. Not white meat seasoned meat I am so mad and so glad my bun is fully with me and under my watch, thankfully it was a small portion and shes okay. Other than that we setted up her beautiful little pin and arw going to buy bedding asap. Shes drinking her milk perfectly and plays with a pinecone right now i beleive were bonding. She rlly just eats and sleeps most of the day and at times she likes to hop around and play. But right now shes just sleeping by my arm really. My dog also gets along very well with her he liles to cuddle and snuggle with her but sometimes he gets too excited im very glad he sees her as a pet and not a toy I was very scared. But mu dog does hop around with her also next time ill share a video of them too there adorable

by AmarisPink


  1. bunny_of_light

    My heart, it hurts so much from cute she is

  2. Specialist-Brief4744

    So precious 😍🥺♥️ even the dog seems to love her

  3. CravingDeathAndChips

    Wait… your grandma fed the baby bunny meat on PURPOSE?!? WTF?!?

    It’s one thing if the bun got to it on accident (or it chose to try and steal it out of its own volition lol… some buns will try to do that)… but geez.

  4. Darth_BUNS

    Another Easter present. A bunny that should be with its mother. Unreal.

  5. Particular-Flow8043

    I have been following this girls posts about this bunny. She is literally doing all she can and wants to be a good bun parent. Please give her your best tips and advice and support her so we can help this little kit develop and this girl doesn’t lose her new pet. It was an unexpected situation! ✨💖✨

  6. BananaEclipse

    Scrolling through the pictures was like

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