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Mom took his water bowl to clean it so now he has to sit on it and have his ear in the water.

Mom took his water bowl to clean it so now he has to sit on it and have his ear in the water.

by Koalaluvs


  1. Leela_bring_fire

    Sorry to be a downer but unless you have five rabbits, that is way too much kibble. A 1/4 cup at most per day. Primary diet should be Timothy hay freefed.

  2. you_have_gay


  3. CMU_Cricket

    Water ear is an effective cooling technique

  4. fliffers

    My bunny also sleeps right against her new water bowl with her ear dipped in it 🙄

    Or her entire cheek is wet! Apparently that’s comfort for you

  5. ApprehensiveEmploy21

    I had a bun who pooped in his water so this is nothing

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