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when you can’t choose which cushion is the best

when you can’t choose which cushion is the best

by grumpygraphist


  1. greenrosechafer

    It may be an unorthodox approach to using cushions, but at least the bun’s belly is ✨*free*✨

  2. Dry_Dimension_4707

    His philosophy in life is make yourself BIG, never small. He just doesn’t roll that way. I adore his chutzpah.

  3. FireLordObamaOG

    Am I the only one thinking about what would happen if someone pulled away the seat it’s front paws are on?

  4. Tripperthebeagle

    With the belly free I would be so tempted to poke it. He is so adorable

  5. tucci007

    weight is off full belly for cozy nap, with full protection from aerial attacc

  6. Short_Angry_Enby

    My favoritesubreddit for a reason! Your bun is derpy, hope lots of pets and cuddles were given after this photo.

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