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Special Agent Dale Cooper has found the softest pillow

Special Agent Dale Cooper has found the softest pillow

by Orchid_Frequency


  1. I’ll bet the barbell feels soft compared to your bun’s well muscled jaw line.

  2. flazedaddyissues

    Only the best quality accomodations at The Great Northern!

  3. hollohdoll

    He even has his own little twin peaks on the top of his head πŸ‘

  4. apexdryad

    The only Fed I trust!! Great name, great bun!!!!

  5. thisisthewell

    but how do you get veggies black as midnight on a moonless night?? πŸ˜‰

    He is sooooo cute I can’t handle it.

  6. BurmbleTBambles

    He’s adorable. What’s up with his eye?

  7. ArcaneSpellbook

    Ok why is there a weight in a bunny cage? It doesn’t exactly look like a plushy

  8. SoraMegami2210

    That Twin Peaks reference…*chef’s kiss*

  9. Pungkomgatagatindog

    awww 😍😍😘😘🐰

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