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she always looks so comfy, but the litter box???

she always looks so comfy, but the litter box???

by milkinson80hd


  1. milkinson80hd

    and yes we change her litter regularly and top off her hay several times a day! we’re working on getting her a bigger box too! 🤦🏻

  2. Ok_Echidna_2283

    To me as long as it’s fairly clean it’s not a big deal if they naps in their litter pan.

  3. drewofdoom

    Some buns are just like that. One of ours is a stinky boy who likes to nap in the litter box.

    I think it’s because he was raised in a cage before we adopted him, and thinks that’s where he’s supposed to be. As he’s getting older, though, he’s starting to enjoy the beds and things that we provide for them.

  4. Airdisasters

    She’s such a big, rabbity rabbit. Look how much RABBIT is contained within that large, white, healthy RABBIT!

  5. SnaxxxAttax

    My older rabbit loves laying in his litter box. I’ve never caught my younger rabbit lay in his! They’re too funny!

  6. Some buns are just weird.

    Actually most buns are just weird.

  7. DJ_Manatee

    My goth lionhead does this too and she seems fine. In fact, it’s extra cute to see because then I know she’s sleeping, and a sleeping pet is one of the cutest things in the world.

  8. bunnyguy1972

    Bunny dictionary calls this “litter lounging”

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