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A rare pic of a noodle noodling in my garden, ca. 2021, colorized (my bunnies are good girls and they don’t run away. Thats, why they are allowed to run around in the garden) w

A rare pic of a noodle noodling in my garden, ca. 2021, colorized (my bunnies are good girls and they don’t run away. Thats, why they are allowed to run around in the garden) w

by Hot-Anything-69


  1. ProjectManagerNoHugs

    My Zip got her name because it looked like she was jet powered when she ran!

  2. 757DrDuck

    My rabbit from when I was in high school used to run around my family’s yard. He had severe head tilt, so he’d hop in a big circle. Later, he got elderly and slowed down so us humans could keep up when following him to scare away any unwanted birds.

  3. tinypotheadprincess

    I have a friend who’s childhood bunnies would come back home, same with the chickens. I don’t trust my phil though, so he goes in some x pen fencing

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