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I was putting away a board game and I had the lid of the box next to me, and it had some cards in it. Benny comes beside me, reaches into the box, grabs a card, and then bolts. He runs away just holding the card in his mouth and then stares at me all goofy like. I was not able to get a picture, sad.

I was putting away a board game and I had the lid of the box next to me, and it had some cards in it. Benny comes beside me, reaches into the box, grabs a card, and then bolts. He runs away just holding the card in his mouth and then stares at me all goofy like. I was not able to get a picture, sad.

by Lapeocon


  1. Carrots3D

    Is yours a criminal too? Have a girl that looks remarkably similar to Benny. Her and her brother are both criminals. They can’t be trusted alone or they eat pretty much everything. Especially cardboard, rubber, carpet, and spicy hay. Fooey bitter spray does nothing. Have you found anything that works?

    Cute bun btw =)

  2. Very_Small_Bunny

    The Stardew Valley board game!! It’s so complex but I love it now now I’ve got the the hang of it. I hope your rabbits in game were more well behaved than your irl one 🤭

  3. pastelkawaiibunny

    Anything paper on the floor belongs to bun! 😂

  4. Dry_Dimension_4707

    He’s so cute though. I feel like he should have all cards.

  5. spangledpirate

    What an adorable, naughty bun!

    If you want to give him a massive treat around your birthday (or any time you get a lot of greeting cards), try lining them up in front of him for him to pick up and throw down: my bun used to LOVE that game!

  6. angelamarie72

    Lol I was getting together receipts for taxes and my cat Kept stealing the receipts playing with them and chewing them walking all over them etc lol

  7. DundermuffinX

    Is Benny perhaps named after a certain checkered suit wearing character?

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