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What breed is my bunny?

Hi everybun. I need help identifying my bunny. When we adopted our little Snowball back in August, we were told that he’s a Blanc de Hotot. But yesterday as I was browsing Reddit, I saw a “Mini Rex” that looks almost exactly like my bun. So that got me wondering. Is my Snowball a Hotot or a Mini Rex? He’s about 5 months old in these photos, and around 3 lbs in weight. ๐Ÿ‡

by hldsnfrgr


  1. MyBsOnline

    this is an unserious answer but the bunnies breed is perfect baby

  2. MoonChild02

    Definitely hotot. You can tell by the eyeliner.

    Rexes have a very distinct type of fur that’s shorter than other types. Snowball seems to have “regular” fur, not short or long.

    What you might be seeing is a color pattern that many rabbit types share: white with a little bit of color.

  3. Blahdeblahhhh

    I think what you have there is called a cutie patootie.

  4. MissionBee8420

    Awww how adorable! He/she looks like a perky little cutie!! Love that pose!! Too cute! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ

  5. No-Owl3632

    His ears are too big for a hotot, the colouring in the ears and nose is also unusual (they usually only have the โ€œeyeliner partโ€). Mini Rex sounds right but also not quite because of the fur and colouring.

    Honestly my guess would be that he is probably a mix between the two, hence why he has the (almost) hotot colouring, and the Rex ears.

    Edit: I forgot to add heโ€™s wayyy too big to be a hotot, I had one and they are TINY, mine was around 2 pounds. Hence why itโ€™s most likely snowball is a hotot mix

  6. nikkioliver

    A lot of rabbits in the US are just “Rabbit” lol. I want to say mini rex mix because the broken color with a mustache is common in them but the fur is typical fur. Mini rex mix of some kind.

  7. space_cartoony

    Most important thing to know **Color has nothing/very little to do with breed.** Any breed *can* come on any color/pattern, even a pure bred English Spot can be a solid color which is known as a “sport”. This is what makes IDing breeds so hard and miss IDing so common. Most rescues do not know what they are talking about when it comes to breed id, unless it a very obvious Holland Lop or Lionhead (but even sometimes not even then).

    Your rabbits coloration is known as a “charlie broken black” broken black is when a rabbit is white with black spots in no obvious pattern (examples of obvious patterns would pertain to English Spots, Checkered Giants, etc), The charlie part means that there is very little colored portion of the coat, this happens when the rabbit gets a double broken gene (ether both his parents had broken coat coloration). The charlie gene also commonly contributes to a condition called [Megacolon](

    I am going to say you just have a mixed mutt. The overall characteristics and proportions are not specific to any one recognized breed. It is not a Mini Rex as this rabbit has the normal fur type, not Rex. most likely not a Hotot ether as Hotots are a large breed (averaging 10 pounds at 8 months) and have a much fuller “commercial” body type (the rescue was probably just saying that because of the color, as most rescues do)

  8. Crystalstorm_

    He’ll be a mix, blanc de hotot are white with black eyes, while yours have black ears, eyes & nose. Almost all rabbits are mixed, unless you get them from a breeder that has the rabbits ancestry ๐Ÿ‘

  9. bbrady413

    very cute bun! my personal guess is that you have a mix – probably a florida white or mini satin mix based on weight. it’s hard to tell in the photos but your bun looks like his fur has some sheen which makes me think he might be a satin mix.

    like others have said, color rarely has anything to do with breed. your baby is a broken which is an extremely common coloration found in nearly all breeds. he’s probably not a spot either, as they have really distinct markings and patterns.

    mini rex’s are super cute and common but yours def isn’t one. rex fur is unmistakable. it’s very plush and dense and is only about 3/8th of an inch long. it also doesn’t have a sheen, its much more velvety.

    as for hotots, they’re much larger than 3lbs. and a dwarf hotot has a very different skull and ears than your boy. he has eye markings like one, but eye rings aren’t exclusive to hotots. most brokens have them. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. bbrady413

    very cute bun! my personal guess is that you have a mix – probably a florida white or mini satin mix based on weight. it’s hard to tell in the photos but your bun looks like his fur has some sheen which makes me think he might be a satin mix.

    like others have said, color rarely has anything to do with breed. your baby is a broken which is an extremely common coloration found in nearly all breeds. he’s probably not a spot either, as they have really distinct markings and patterns.

    mini rex’s are super cute and common but yours def isn’t one. rex fur is unmistakable. it’s very plush and dense and is only about 3/8th of an inch long. it also doesn’t have a sheen, its much more velvety.

    as for hotots, they’re much larger than 3lbs. and a dwarf hotot has a very different skull and ears than your boy. he has eye markings like one, but eye rings aren’t exclusive to hotots. most brokens have them. ๐Ÿ™‚

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