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No head support required

No head support required

by thetactlessknife


  1. greenrosechafer

    Mouf and ears! And whiskers! What a cutie. 🥰

  2. deleteselected

    Owning this bunny is the equivalent of have white carpet!

  3. CaptThundercock

    Mouf, nosey, and ears. And the crossed paws and leggys? What a cutie pie🥺💖

  4. Melipuffles

    This is definitely the Easter Bunny on vacation.

  5. blinkingsandbeepings

    He looks like the bunny friend from Arthur.

  6. bunnies_and_makeup

    Flop mouf whiskers ears pawsies puffy chest I love it alll

  7. [deleted]

    This bun is ✨ hardcore ✨😎
    Pillows are for squares!

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